I am finishing up a few projects for the gesso class at the Art Studio. I have learned a lot, but I think I am going to have to go back and review a few things.I need a little more practice and playtime. Overall, I loved the class and am using things I never thought I would on my layouts. I find that, after I take a class, I need to use the techniques I have learned for about a month.Some will become a part of my routine while others I may discard as just something I experimented with.
Currently, I am trying to decide which class to take next from the Art Studio.There are quite a few selections!
This month's seminar at Masterful Scrapbook Design features the use of various Trends. I am looking forward to discovering why something becomes trendy as well as seeing if there are any new trends that I have not yet used on my layouts.

I had a gift certificate left over for Big picture classes.So I decided to take Kit- tastic with May Flaum. I am not really certain that I need help with making kits. I mainly took the class because I enjoy the classes May teaches. Plus, she always manages to surprise me with at least one or two things that I could be doing with my supplies.

I am really excited about this class. I am almost done with my reading assignment.Just a few more days until it starts! I think there might be a seat or two left if you'd like to join in. I am really curious to learn more about myself and how other's perceive my layouts. You can check it out at the Get It Scrapped classroom.
I will be checking in throughout the month, sharing my classroom experiences and some of my projects. Maybe I will see some of you in the classroom!
Other than the gesso, my class list is exactly the same! Looking forward to it all, hoping I can keep up! See you in class!