I share my scrap space with my husband and son. I like it that way. I like being able to take a moment to choose some supplies or adhere an embellishment while my son works independently on his homeschool work. I like listening to music with my husband or watching him play a game on his computer. In short, I like having my space to scrapbook while still being a part of things. What I don't like is how messy the space can get. Usually, this occurs when things are not functioning as well as they could be. It's true that creativity breeds messes as well. It just tends to be a larger mess when I can't put back things as I go. So I decided to rework my space one shelf at a time. Let's face it...I can do the whole thing at once( who really wants to do that) or a little at a time. A little at a time allows me to feel good about the new clean spot and then test drive how the new organization works.
Shelf one was done on Monday during the power outtage. I had planned to work on other things, such as encasutics and listening to on-line classes, but that was not to be. So, with not much else to do, I tackled the mess that once was a nice spot for stencils and masks. Over time, I have made more of my own stencils and masks which now meant the shelf was overflowing. I was having trouble locating stencils and when I pulled out one, a whole bunch came down with it.
Not to mention the possibility of bent or broken masks existed. Or that it just looks horrid. My solution was to acquire a basket for the shelf. I chose to create dividers out of sheets of cardboard. I sorted the stencils by the way I use them: alphas, shapes, backgrounds, tags and journals, circle shaped stencils, flourishes, etc.
Much better! Not perfect, but functional. It's less messy looking. I can now grab the basket and head wherever I wish to use my mist. Once again, I find myself reaching for my stencils and masks.
Stay tuned for another shelf or corner of my space to be shared. Trust me, there is plenty of mess to conquer!