Sunday, February 16, 2014

JBS Mercantile- Mid-Month Release

This month's JBS Mercantile kit has a definite Valentine's Day vibe. When I saw the kit, I decided to go back through my son's early Homeschool Co-op days looking for photos of him in his first Valentine's Day parties. I have also been searching for other photos that are not specifically related to the holiday but that work well with the theme of this month's kit.

Created with a mix of the Main kit, Mini Album kit
and Antiquarian kit.
As I was scrolling through photos, I came across this particular one which features my son looking down at my husband. I love how much these two love one another. My husband is such a wonderful dad and it shows. I'll save the other photos from the park for a different page. This photo however, shows so much more than just a day spent at the park.

To create this layout, I painted the front cover of the chipboard mini album with Silks Acrylic Glaze.
I have challenged myself to include more purple in my pages this year due to Pantone's choice of Radiant Orchid. I had some mist which I had made using the Lavendar Sachet re-inker. I sprinkled it in a few spots for a subtle orchid like color.

Created using the Main and Antiquarian kits

This was a warm up page for me. Sometimes, I need to get my creative thoughts jumpstarted.I am not necessarily trying to create the perfect layout. I just want to play with the supplies, knowing that once I start thinking creatively, other ideas will start flowing. I started off with the music sheet as my inspiration and went in search of photos which would work well with it. I knew these photos of my son would be perfect.

Back in the days when we had a stereo system, he would climb up on his dad's desk( while under supervision), turn on the music and begin to dance. He was so full of carefree self expression without worrying what others thought of him. I chose to use the thought bubble print to voice that. Hot pink bits of paper added a little more energy to the page.

Created with the Main and Mini Abum kits,
with wood buttons from the Janaury kits
and this month's dime store deal.
I was kind of stumped about using the patterned paper with the envelopes. When I saw these photos of my son writing his name on his class Valentines, I knew it would be perfect. Lately, I have been inspired by Doris' posts about using haiku or one photo with  just a few words. I do believe journaling is important, but upon trying haiku for myself, I have realized that I can sometimes say more with less. The journaling reads " He writes, then examines his handiwork." I could  have written a longer paragraph about how my son is working on his class valentines, however, I think that within the context of the paper and embellishments on this layout, the journaling has just as much or more impact than a full paragraph. I used my little dymo label maker to write the journaling.

I have been talking recently with friends about the placement of product in the design process. I know some people have a set starting place. Mine varies. Sometimes it's the photos. Sometimes it's a challenge or prompt. Other times, as in the case with this month's JBS Mercantile kits, it is inspired by the products. I am curious to see whether the March kits will be my source of inspiration or whether I choose to start with photos and work the products from the March kits around the story. I guess you will have to check in with me around the first of the month to see.

Supply Options
Most supplies from the JBS Mercantile February 2014 kits except:
InLinkz Project Manager account expired

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