I began my journey towards December a few weeks ago. Every year, I feel the pressure to document December in some fabulous way. I have tried doing a December Daily and quite frankly, I have always failed at it. I think it becomes too much for me to try to accomplish and still be able to spend the time with my family that I desire. Still, I wanted something for this year. Something I could actually finish. Something that would tell a rich meaningful story while not occupying a great deal of my time. I found that something when Debbie announced she was teaching " Your December Story."
I got a peek at "Your December Story" and I'm giving away a free pass!
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to begin documenting my story with lesson one. For the first time, I have a game plan for December. I have a new way to begin my family's story. I am very excited to share a peek into that story today. And I'm giving away one pass to the class. (If you already purchased the class, you'll get a $24 gift card good for any other GIS/MSD classes.)
Your December Story is shaped around the Hero's Journey
"This December, like Dorothy dropped into Oz or Alice tumbled into Wonderland, you will receive a call to adventure. You will move from the ordinary world into a one of magic and tests as the holiday season arrives.
Many of the most-loved and best remembered stories play out in a story form described by Joseph Campbell as "the hero's journey." This class has prompts and page ideas for visual storytelling that have you telling Your December Journey, from the heralds, to the challenges, mentors, special tools and the return to the known world and what you take forward."
I had to quote Debbie because I just can't say it better myself. We create a magical world with a blend of adventure and tradition every year for our family. Why not approach the telling of our tale with visual storytelling in much the same way that our favorite stories do?
Using the Wizard of Oz as my inspiration, I took several black and white photos which feature our living room before the tree and our storage closet. I used patterned paper with muted colors and added brown to signify that we are still in November. Never before had I thought to begin my December story in November. Yet the signs that Christmas is nearing are all present. I took a photo of the first holiday decorations we saw. Notice the photo has a little color now, but it's still muted. My photos won't be in full technicolor until the decorations are up.
Page two is a work in progress. I chose to use pocket pages to approach my December Story. It allows me to complete a few cards at a time. I use the project sheets provided in the class to outline my story. I then have an idea of what photos or supplies I might want to document the next part of my journey. Scrap pieces of paper provide me with an idea of where I want to place each part of the tale.
This class has helped me feel like I am ahead of the game. I love the fresh ideas paired with the rich inspiration. There is, after all, no greater inspiration than a well written story. Reading the prompts makes me so excited for December.
You can take the journey and get a $10 gift card . . .
but only through midnight Wednesday, November 20th. When you purchase "Your December Story" by midnight PT, Wednesday, November 20, you also get a $10 gift card that you can use for Get It Scrapped and Masterful Scrapbook Design classes.
Click here to visit Get It Scrapped. Register for the class and receive your $10 gift card.
See how the rest of the blog hoppers are using this class (and get 20+ more chances to win)
- Anna Aspnes
- Betsy Sammarco
- Christy Strickler-> You are here!
- Marie-Pierre Capistran
- Katrina Kennedy
- Carrie Arick
- Doris Sander
- Melissa Shanhun
- Michelle Houghton
- Sue Althouse
- Terry Billman
- Kiki Kougioumtzi
- Susanne Brauer
- Sian Fair
- Jana Morton
- Paula Gilarde
- Kristin Tweedale
- Katie Scott
- Amy Kingsford
- Tami Taylor
- Stefanie Semple
- Katie Nelson
Leave a comment telling me how you plan to document your December Story.Will you use pocket pages or traditional layouts? I will draw the winner on Thursday, November 21, 2013.
I plan to do a December Daily album (hybrid with pocket and traditional) this year, with a mixture of photos and stories of our holiday preparation and simple, daily happenings. I also plan to feature more in-depth memories of 2013 with more detailed scrapbook pages. I am already doing lots of prep work, hoping that this will make my chances of completing this project much higher!
ReplyDeletei'm going to use pocket pages
ReplyDeleteYou are really challenging me. I am not very good at December albums or pocket pages. Are you treating each pocket as a different layout? Interesting!
ReplyDeleteI personally find pocket pages a bit of a challenge. The more I do, the better I like my pages. Right now, I am treating each pocket ( or a small grouping of 2-3 pockets when one pocket won't cut it) as a different layout. I am trying to pay attention to the color scheme of the overall page so it doesn't look disjointed. I made my own kit and that is really helping me stay more consistent.
DeleteI am planning to create a December Daily album in a Studio Calico handbook. So it will mostly be pocket pages, but with some full 6x8 pages in their too which I plan to treat like a mini layout. I love that with the handbooks you can mix it up like that, and that's exactly how I treat my project Life albums too :) Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI, like you, would love a record of our family's December, but a daily thing does not fit into my busy schedule. I will probably make mine with pocket since I love my mini albums to have interaction. Thanks for the chance to win a pass to this class! Debbie
ReplyDeleteI'm using pocket pages and putting my December Daily into my new Project Life binder. I'd love to add the inspiration from this class to my project!
ReplyDeleteI am planning on using both 12 x 12 and pockets this year, whatever seems to work.
ReplyDeleteGreat LO!! LOVE the black and white pics!!
ReplyDeleteI will use Pocket Pages to Document my December story :)
I'll be using pocket pages guess i find it easier!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking that if I'm going to tackle a DD it will be in the vein of digital pocket scrap style; I'm still on the fence but this class definitely looks like a fantastic place to start!
ReplyDeleteLove your page and starting with the "normal" before. Thanks for the chance to win!
Plan for Dec daily for day to day and scrapbook pages for highlights
ReplyDeleteI'm doing it all digital, with templates from Paislee Press and a kit from One Little Bird.
ReplyDeleteI've never tried using Pocket Pages so would probably go with a 12 x 12 format.
ReplyDeleteI'm planning on doing traditional LO's but may throw in some pocket pages if I have lots of photos for a particular event.
ReplyDeleteI will use a mixture of both. As for the journaling, it is going to be the main part of my DD because that is the bit I like the most.
I like your idea of the Wizard of Oz and muted photos...
ReplyDeleteI'm using pocket pages this year.
I will be using a mixture of both. But my journaling will be the main part of the mini book.
ReplyDeleteI thought I knew how I wanted to document December, but after looking at the blogs on this I'm not sure. I may have to incorporate some of everyone's ideas. They are all so creative.
ReplyDeleteI love what you made so far Christy!! :) I'm eager to see your album unfold.
ReplyDeleteHow awesome, thanks so much for the amazing chance! Last year I attempted to do a DD and I spent more time gathering ideas than I did actually creating anything! Shame on me! I SO NEED THIS! :) I a definitely a pocket page kind of girl, and that is how I envisioned my DD.
ReplyDeleteLast year, I used a 6x8 album with a combination of pocket pages and 6x8's. This year, I'm going to do an 8x8 with regular square layouts printed 8x8 and some pocket pages thrown in for ephemera and just because they are fun to work with!
ReplyDeleteI plan on using Anna Aspnes FotoInspired Series!
ReplyDeleteI'll be making a mini-album again this year, possibly using a 6x8 pocket page album.
ReplyDeleteI may use a mix of both.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure yet. I've never really documented holidays. When you have a large family, all of your time is spent on them. Afterwards you are too tired to care. However, this class sounds like something too fun to pass up. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure yet. This time of the year is very busy especially with six kids. This class sounds like so much fun that it might help me relax and enjoy the season. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI'm using a 6x8 album with some pages that size and some smaller pocket pages mixed in.
ReplyDeleteI'm using a 6x8 album with some full pages and some smaller pocket pages. My album starts in November and goes through Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI'm really liking the "adventure" into the holidays idea. This hop is really motivating me to at least do a mini album.
ReplyDeleteI did 6x6 last year, one photo, and then put 4 of them together on a 12x12. I think this year I'm going to do pocket pages. It was a challenge to stick to one photo only last year, and I'd like the flexibility of more photos if desired.
ReplyDeleteWow, this sounds really unique and different way of experiencing the holidays. I love the concept. I plan on documenting the holidays with stories of friends and loved ones from this year. I'll do traditional probably so I can include cards and such. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to an approach that's different, and hoping that it requires fewer layouts and photos than a Daily December. So hoping I can keep up with this one.
ReplyDeleteI like the ability to decorate one card at a time with pocket pages. I like the idea of monocolour or b&w photos before Christmas too.
ReplyDeleteI am totally intrigued with this enchanting idea. I have not done a December documentation before, so am a little nervous. I wonder - being an empty nester, will I be able to find the magic? I am already signed up, so I will find out!
ReplyDeleteSuch an interesting idea for a class! Not sure how I will document my dec. I love your ideas!!! thanks for a chance at a spot!! :) Evie
ReplyDeleteI will use a traditional layout. I'm doing an 8.5x11. This is my first time attempting one! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteI'm going digi for the first time. That'll be very different for this "everything but the kitchen sink" traditional scrapper.
ReplyDeleteI had planned on just documenting using Project Life approach but now you all have me thinking of doing something extra. THis class sounds intriguing.
ReplyDeleteIf I win this class, I will definitely use it to document my Christmas. Thanks, jeannett_mcgee@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteStill on the fence but if I do, I think I will use the pockets. I am loving the pockets right now!
ReplyDeleteThis will be my first time documenting December. I'm doing 6x8 pocket pages. Excited to get started!
ReplyDeleteI am still undecided I am always so busy with 6 kids and I feel like I would lose before trying. Unless I try a class I will probably be after the fact more than likely with pocket pages! Thanks for the chance to win! ~God bless!
ReplyDeleteYou're way ahead of me! I just realized that Thanksgiving is next week! Yeah, don't know where my brain has been this month! :D I'm not even sure where or how to begin...I'm sure something will come to me...hopefully before Dec 1 gets here!
ReplyDeleteI am using the studio calico kit (first time I've bought anything from them) and it has pocketed pages, which I love. My boys and hubby are all on board to help me document. They love to take photos, draw and journal so we're planning a family album.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I will use a smaller mini album or alter a book...or pocket pages. Hmm. Better make a decision soon!
ReplyDeleteThis will be my first December album undertaking, so I think pocket pages will be my easiest and best bet for finishing the project.
ReplyDeleteI usually do mini-scrapbook-type pages, but often don't have photos. My Christmas Journal is my special 30 minutes each day during the busy Christmas season.
ReplyDeleteI really like how it looks so far :) can't wait for the rest
ReplyDeleteI plan to record my Dec. in notes and pictures along the way. Then in Jan when the snow is flying and the temps plummet I plan to put it all together on a beautiful way. Grandchildren will make it gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI am really looking forward to digging into this class. I am still mulling over my plan - but I am think about a mini album - just not a December Daily version (did that last before and am not ready to that again). I am waiting to see how much writing I am doing before deciding on the format.
ReplyDeleteI plan on telling my December Story digitally with templates and lists. That's the plan anyway...lol
ReplyDeleteI'll be doing mine digitally with 'traditional' non-pocket layouts.
ReplyDeletetraditional scrapper here, but 200 of those 210 photos taken christmas eve/day will be in pockets.
ReplyDeleteI'll be doing mine digitally with non-pocket pages. While I do PL, I only do DD during December. It's a nice break. :)
I'm doing the December Daily using 8x8 pocket pages. Less stress!
ReplyDeleteI need to do it this year - that is what I am doing - definitely digitally.
ReplyDeleteI'll be making digital pages.
ReplyDeleteTradtiional layouts is my thing -- I love getting my fingers dirty!
ReplyDeleteI will probably be using a combination of traditional and pocket pages. Thanks for sharing your December Story!
ReplyDeleteMy dd will be a traditional scrapbook mini album. I want to capture all the quirky family traditions we have
ReplyDeleteMost likely as traditional pages - probably in a mini album.
ReplyDeletemy plan is to try pocket pages because i have not made one yet. but i may just go back to my comfort zone and go digi
ReplyDeleteI think I will scrapbook a paper mini album
ReplyDeleteI will probably do some traditional layouts.
ReplyDeleteI will use traditional layouts (most likely digital). I want to do a pocket page album, but I don't think it will happen this year! Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteNot sure, I tried this a few years ago, took photos but not got completed. Maybe some good Christmas music this weekend while hubby is away, I can pull that old project out and breath some new life or scrap it completely and start fresh????
ReplyDeleteNot sure, I tried this a few years ago, took photos but not got completed. Maybe some good Christmas music this weekend while hubby is away, I can pull that old project out and breath some new life or scrap it completely and start fresh????
ReplyDeleteNot sure, I started a mini album a couple of years ago. Maybe dig that out, and either breath new life or scrap it and start over.