My first thought was to use my cricut to make a stencil. I started to do just that. Then, I decided to challenge myself. Could I mimic the look of a simple font? Looking at the screen, I carefully practiced a few times on a scrap sheet of paper. I decided it wasn't half bad. Now for the big risk! I pulled over the sheet of background cardstock and started the title. My one and only tombow marker slowly ran along the surface of the page. what resulted was a close rendition of the font I had in mind. It still needed a little more. I filled in the letters with the brush tip end, then took my black pen and made an outline. I actually liked it! I decided to challenge myself to a little cursive. this time, my orange marker slowly moved across the page...and somehow, the results seem to fit with the fun, kid feel of the page.
-Arrow papers and orange triangle print from Sassafrass monstruosity.
-MM chipboard arrow- I drew on it with a white crayon, then inked it
with fresh green with moss green edges
-crate paper ribbon
-basic grey brads
- MM just chillin boy's collection: metal pow sign, diecut and journal spot
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Sketches for You August #1 Scraplift and Ink challenge
Frosted Designs: need a little direction challenge
Club CK August week 1 Scrap Challenge; hand drawn title
I've said this in the forums, and after reading your blog about it, I'll repeat: awesome layout. So glad you wrote out the title, and it inspires me to do the same. As a beginning scrapper eons ago, I used to do handwritten titles, using a couple of books showing you how to vamp up your handwriting. Maybe it's time to pull them out again! Great job on the layout.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kristen. :) I used to do a lot more doodling too. I think one of the cons of all the great new supplies is tnat sometimes we rely on those. Back int he beginning, I didn't have all of that stuff. I think it is time to go back to those basics.