Monday, July 19, 2010


I can hardly believe it. I am in round 3 of the MS. Scraptastic 2010 competition. It's been fun and challenging. If you want to check out some other entries, go here.So, for round 3, we had to complete a page about something we were passionate about or a hobby when we are not scrapping. I had the perfect topic and the funny thing is that I have had the photos waiting to be scrapped for a few months now.

Video games have been a huge part of our family. Dh and I grew up on them. When we first dated, we didn't have a lot of money to go out. So, we played video games together. While I miss those days, video games have come a long way. Dh and I now share that hobby with our DS. So, to scrap about it, I felt it needed the perfect elements.

I thought about using some of DH's spare parts. However, many are sharp in sections and I am not sure they are very acid free. So,I set out to make an embellishment based off a computer circuit board. I ended up pulling out one of DH's spare parts. I wanted to really do my best to capture the look of one. I chose to cut and ink a sheet of  clear scraps acrylic. I used green ink since many boards are green. I used a cotton ball to dab the ink on for better coverage.

Once the board was inked, I examined the elements on the board. There were several sku tags. To mimic the look, I cut the SKU bar codes from some PP. Next, I wanted to add the dimension of the black elements the circuit board had. I used some blackboard pieces. Brads became substitutes for screws, as well as some silver eyelets. I used some white opal liquid pearls to replicate the sodder points on the board. Gel pens in silver and gold completed the look. I am very pleased with the overall look of my board.

I had more photos than would fit onto the page. So I used scraps of the blackboard to build a pocket. I measured the tag the extra photos and journaling would go on, then cut two pieces: One in a blocky u shape for the pocket and one square shape to be the pocket cover. I added some Basic Grey origins paper b/c I felt the grid look matched the computer theme.

tip: if you have a lot of items for your pocket, layer the "u" shape until you gain enough height.

Each tag inside the pocket has journaling about some of the extra items we have acquired in our family hobby as well as some of the crazy things we watch E3 on tv every year. E3 is a huge video game conference that tells about the newest releases. I tied a little metallic silver ribbon on the tags to show they can be pulled from the pockets.

 I  hand wrote the word "wired" for the title, then I used a paper piercer and dmc floss in silver/grey to stitch it. I used eyelets and satin cord to create the effect of wires across the page.

Initially, the photo placement was  a little off balance. So I used some grid paper to make wrap around journaling on the upper right page.                                                                                                              

1 comment:

  1. Wow you did an amazing job on the your layout. The board looks real, can't believe you made it yourself. Love all the tags and pictures to. Great job.
